Day Twenty-One: Submissions

 Oh my goodness, I just got in a play submission 1 minute before the deadline. I didn't quite answer all their questions, but thankfully a few were not mandatory. But it feels good to have submitted even though I didn't enjoy the process of writing this one that much. It was fun to have a challenge and I think I met it for the most part but it was for me important to just get it done and submitted. The submitting was important and if it goes anywhere great, if not, that's fine too. I just needed this over with and that's probably a good sign that it's not a project I want to work on anymore but then of course if it get's accepted I'd be working a lot on it but then it will be a collaborative venture and perhaps I'd enjoy it more. For now though, I go to bed happy to have it done. One more thing off my to do list and something that truly was keeping me from doing things I knew I'd enjoy more. Time to move on!


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