Day Eight: The Joys of Being a Mentor


Since the fall of 2021, I've had the immense pleasure of being a writing mentor for an 18 year old student here in New York City. She's off to college soon and her exceptional talent inspires me and I'm so excited for all the great adventures life has in store for her. By being a writing mentor I also was able to help other girls in the program with their writing by being an editor on the yearly publication of the girls original pieces of fiction, poetry and drama. Well today, or rather I should say late last night into the first hour of this morning I edited 4 pieces and am so amazed at the incredible work each has produced in just a few short months.

We had to follow the Chicago Style when editing and although I don't have a great knowledge of it I was able to make some meaningful suggestions. The works are all imaginative, personal and express a love of being open to the world and to being their best selves.

It's such a joy to be part of it all and to be a mentor as I certainly have had some great ones in my life who helped me see the world differently and grow into a better person.


  1. It must be challenging and satisfying and I am sure the young writers are learning a lot from you.

    1. That's so kind, thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm so grateful to be able to help them and they do always inspire me so much. I hope you're having a great week!


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