Day Six: Reflection of Time


I love reflection pictures especially when the reflection is in a puddle or I come across it in the most unexpected way. Usually my mind is wondering or focused on something else and I'm not in the moment, not paying close attention to what is going on around me so when those moments when something unexpected coms into view, I usually stop and admire it's beauty, it's uniqueness and even it's transitory nature. 

Lately I have been working on being more present in every moment in life. Working on paying attention to what is happening around me as it happens not contemplating the future or worry about the past. I'm a natural day dreamer so it's hard for me not to let my mind wander so I am trying also to find a balance between the day dreamer and a person living in the now.

Time goes so quickly as we often observe as humans but I've been able to slow myself down and enjoy a specific moment by employing a technique I recently came across. I will repeat, mostly in my mind, 'this moment is important. This moment is important' and it works, it really works and I do come back from wherever my mind has traveled. It's simple but it works and today it was important I be locked out of the office for a bit so I could appreciate the view and observe the reflection of the clock in the building across the way. I do love reflections.


  1. That’s a great way to notice the present. I love to capture reflections in photos, it’s much easier than writing a reflection! Thank you for sharing .

    1. Thank you, Pat and yes, even as writers, sometimes it just easier to capture a moment in a photo and let that speak for my thoughts or inspire my thoughts. Have a great Wednesday!


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